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Create an Authmaker instance

Visit app.authmaker.com and create an account. From your dashboard, create a new Authmaker instance for this project. Fill out the the required details:

Instance Name

Choose a name for this project instance. This will be included in the url used to login to your app via Authmaker. (example: 'my-app-name' will become 'my-app-name.authmaker.com')

Application Domain & Name

While your app is still in development and not hosted online yet, these can be placeholders that will change later. (example: 'www.placeholder-app-domain.com' and 'My Placeholder App Name')

Database Credentials

These are your database details from mLab (created in the previous step). Remember that the username and password are for the database user you created for Authmaker, not your personal mLab credentials.

  • db: my-database-name
  • port: 27017
  • user: my_authmaker_user
  • password: my_authmaker_user_password
  • host: ds123456.mlab.com

After successfully creating your Authmaker instance, you will have access to two unique configuration objects, one for local development and one for live production. These are used to configure your Ember app to work with your Authmaker instance.