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Generate your backend app

So you've created your Authmaker instance and successfully implemented login for your Ember app - now what? You need to access your data. You need a backend server. And you need an API built for your app's unique needs. With Authmaker, fullstack development using Ember and Node is straightforward, productive, and beginner-friendly.

Generate app structure with Yeoman

From the terminal, create a new directory for your backend application and change into it.

$ mkdir my-app-backend
$ cd my-app-backend

Generate the project's structure using the Authmaker Express Generator for Yeoman with the command below. (Both Yeoman and the Authmaker Express Generator should already be installed. See the Prerequisites for installation instructions.)

$ yo @authmaker/express

The generator will prompt you for the database details mentioned in the previous steps. (Remember that the username and password are for the database user you created, not your personal mLab credentials.) This information will be added to a non-tracked file settings/secure.json.

The following Express application structure will be generated for you:



Install dependencies via npm:

$ npm install

The generator will also create two example files for reference, models/example.js (a model) and server/routes/v1/example.js (a route). You can use these for reference and eventually delete them.

Running the server locally

To start your backend application's server, simply run:

$ npm run start-local

Your defined routes will automatically generate and the server will start on http://localhost:3000. Make sure that you have installed PM2, as the above command will initialize the project manager for you to more easily monitor your server's status.