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Deploying with Google Cloud

Deploying your Authmaker app is simple with Google Cloud Platform. With Google Cloud, hosting for small web applications is free (in most cases) - you won't have to pay until your application scales past their free tier.

If you don't have an existing Google Cloud account, you will need to create one before the next steps.

You will also need to have the Google Cloud SDK already installed, as we will be using the command line tools to easily deploy.

Create a new Google Cloud project

From the Google Cloud console, create a new project for this application. Google Cloud Platform organizes your resources into projects - this makes it easy to manage permissions and settings for multiple deployments in one place. For example, both our frontend application and backend server deployments will belong to the same project.

Deploy your backend app

First, let's get our backend deployed. From your backend app directory, simply run the command below using your project name:

$ gcloud app deploy --project=PROJECT_NAME

You will see a prompt asking you to select the region for your app. Since we are deploying to Google's large network of servers, we need to select the region in which Google will store our application. A good rule of thumb is to choose the region closest to where your app's users will be (in order to reduce latency).

Next, you will be asked to confirm your deployment details, including the project name and the target url, the location where your app will be deployed. It will look something like https://[PROJECT_NAME].appspot.com. This is your new production API host.

Update your Ember adapter

Before you deploy your Ember app, update your application adapter with your newly deployed API host. A great way to implement this is to declare different host values for production and development inside config/environment.js and import from your application adapter. This allows you to easily pivot between local development and production builds without continually reassigning your host value.

In your application adapter, make the following changes:

import DS from 'ember-data';
import DataAdapterMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/data-adapter-mixin';
// import the environment config
import Config from 'my-blog/config/environment';

export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend(DataAdapterMixin, {
    authorizer: 'authorizer:application',

    // assign host value depending on environment
    host: Config.apiHost,
    namespace: 'v1',

Then, attach the variable apiHost to your environment config, as shown below:


 if (environment === 'development') {
      ENV.apiHost = 'http://localhost:3000';

 if (evironment === 'production') {
      ENV.apiHost = 'https://[PROJECT_NAME].appspot.com';


This ensures that your production build will send all API requests to your deployed backend app, but your local development build will continue making requests to http://localhost:3000.

Configure your DNS

You will need to own a domain name to use as the URL for your deployed frontend application. You can register a new domain with Google Domains if you do not already have one, but any DNS provider you choose is fine.

If you are using a DNS provider other than Google, you will need to verify ownership of the domain through Google Webmaster Central. If you created your domain with Google, this step is automatic.

NOTE: This deployment method requires deployment to a subdomain, such as www.mydomain.com or app.mydomain.com, instead of the root domain, mydomain.com.

Create a CNAME record

Navigate to your DNS provider's control panel to access your domain settings. If you are using Google Domains, select the 'Configure DNS' option for your domain. From here, create a new CNAME record that will redirect your subdomain to the the Google Storage servers where your app will be hosted, c.storage.googleapis.com..

It will look something like this:

www.mydomain.com CNAME 1h c.storage.googleapis.com.

For more information on CNAME redirects to Google Cloud Platform, see the documentation here.

Create your storage bucket

From the navigation menu, select 'Storage' to access your project's Cloud Storage tools. From there, create a new storage bucket with the same name as your CNAME record for your subdomain. To continue our previous example, we would create a storage bucket with the name www.mydomain.com.

Keep note of both your project name and bucket name, as we will use them to configure our Ember app for deployment in the next step.

Next, navigate to your Google Storage 'Browser' view to see all buckets. You should see your frontend application bucket listed, along with some others that have been auto-generated for your backend deployment. At the far right of each bucket listing, you will see a vertical menu that you can click to access 'Edit Website Configuration'. Click and fill both your 'Main page' and '404 (not found) page' options with index.html, since we are about to deploy a single-page app and want any 404 errors to be handled by our Ember app.

Your bucket is now ready for deploying our frontend from the command line.

Configure your Ember deployment

In your Ember application's directory, install the following packages for deployment:

$ ember install ember-cli-deploy
$ ember install ember-cli-deploy-gcloud-pack

This will generate the file config/deploy.js for your app. Open the file and add your project name as the value for gcloudProjectId and your bucket name as the value for productionBucket, as shown below:

'use strict';

// add your project name and bucket name here
const gcloudProjectId = '** YOUR PROJECT ID **';
const productionBucket = '** YOUR BUCKET **';

module.exports = function(deployTarget) {

This sets your deployment location for your Ember app.

Update your Authmaker instance app domain

Make sure your Authmaker instance for this project has the correct url for your production application domain. If you used a placeholder domain when you created your instance, update the value to match your production domain - in the case of this example, the same subdomain we used when naming our Google bucket, www.mydomain.com.

After you've updated your application domain, save your changes and click to view your updated live Ember config object. You should see your production domain reflected as part of the object's redirectUri. Copy the full object to use for your app.

Open config/environment.js and include your unique live config object inside the production block. (Make sure you place it inside the production block. We are not changing the development block or local config object.)


 if (environment === 'production') {
      // this object will be *UNIQUE* for your instance
      ENV.authmaker = {
      domainUrl: "https://my-app-name.authmaker.com",
      redirectUri: "https://www.mydomain.com/login",
      clientId: "yourClientId"


Deploy your Ember app

To deploy your frontend application, run the following command from your frontend directory:

$ ember deploy production --activate

Your app will build and deploy to your Google storage bucket!

NOTE: If you run into any permissions errors from GCloud, you might need to first login via the command line by running:

$ gcloud auth application-default login

You will be prompted to login, after which you shouldn't get any permissions errors when you run the deploy command. For more on GCloud command line authentication, see here.

Deployment Iterations

The Authmaker curriculum was designed to be used as part of an iterative development process, continually developing and deploying as your application expands and improves. In the steps above, you updated your app for deployment in addition to the existing development config. You can continue to develop your application locally without changing any configuration details in the code.

Running locally

To start your backend application locally, run:

$ npm run start-local

To start your Ember frontend locally, run:

$ ember serve

Future deployments

To deploy a new version of your backend app, run:

$ gcloud app deploy --project=PROJECT_NAME

To deploy a new version of your frontend Ember app, run:

$ ember deploy production --activate